Hey! I'm Brendan.

I help founders and early-stage sales teams improve sales effectiveness, execution, and customer success. 

Do you have these sales challenges?

  • New to sales and don't know where to start
  • Sales calls feel like they're working, but progress is slow
  • Not able to conduct effective discovery (or know what that is)
  • Large organizations are complicated, bewildering, and slow
  • Sales prospects routinely become unresponsive and disengage
  • Don't know who to call, afraid to call, how to start, what to say
  • Proposals don't convert
  • Sales feels awkward or manipulative
  • Not making (enough) sales

Consider this...

  • Hearing 'No' is a good thing. (Encourage it.)
  • Building trust with customers is easier than you think
  • Being fake, sleazy or manipulative is a choice
  • B2B and enterprise sales can be unfamiliar and complicated, but it isn't rocket science
  • You have skills and expertise you aren't leveraging
  • Time is valuable. Don't waste it on unqualified prospects
  • The right prospects is better than a lot of prospects
  • There is an ideal sales process for every business. Your customers are expecting it
  • Sales can be fun, and for founders, it's critical to your long-term success

I help you:

  • Get your sales mindset right
  • Overcome your fears and worries (legitimate or otherwise)
  • Enable customers to make effective decisions faster
  • Define, simplify and optimize your ideal sales process 
  • Establish genuine trust and collaboration with customers 
  • Conduct useful, efficient sales discovery
  • Identify qualified prospects better and faster
  • Compress the sales cycle, qualify opportunities with confidence, and create the forward momentum you and your customer want
  • Map out and execute on a customer journey that results in customer success, references and ROI
  • Uses your 'sales time' productively

How I Can Help

    My sales newsletter is a quick, actionable and (hopefully) provocative and entertaining discussion of B2B sales ideas and practices. Sign up and join me as I break down every aspect of B2B sales. (And it's free!)

    If you're looking to increase sales, improve client engagement, scale your sales efforts, or simply can't get traction, book a Sales Strategy Session and let's get to work!

    Some sales situations require a more extensive, longer-term approach. If you require something more custom (sales training, team coaching, sales mentoring, etc.), let's discuss.

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      About Me